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Understanding Your Muslim Co-worker

Customs, dietary prescriptions, and religious practices of a muslim in the work environment


In Islam, Muslims greet each other by saying Asalamalykum (peace be upon you) and giving a handshake. It is not permissible for Muslims to hug or kiss members of the other gender unless they are related or married.This is done out of respect for women. Hugs are seen as intrusive and should only be performed by family members or partners. For example, your female co-worker has just came back from a long trip and says "Hey, I haven't seen you in such a long time! Give me a hug!" The response would be " I'm sorry, I can't give you a hug, it's nothing personal, it's just out of respect for my wife."

Friday Prayer Service

In Islam, Muslims attend a prayer service held at a Mosque (House of Worship) on Fridays. It is the 2nd prayer of the day (Zhur) and must be held in congregation. It is usually done around 12 Pm to 2Pm. The times change according to the sunlight. First there is a Khutbah (recitation of the Quranic texts is given and the audience is to remain sitting and being silent. After the Khutbah is finished, all of the attendees preform prayer together. Fridays are very important to muslims as it is the holiest day of the week. In Islam, the week begins on Friday.

Scenario of the Friday prayer service during work:

A Muslim goes to his manager and tells him, "Hey boss, my Friday prayer starts in 20 minutes. I'll be leaving soon to make sure I can attend. I'll be back in around 40 minutes." The boss says " Thanks for telling me, I'll see you when you get back."

Primary Source

Dietary prescriptions

In Islam, Muslims are not permitted to eat pork. A quote from the Holy Quran states: "Forbidden to you (for food) are the dead meat, blood, flesh and that on which hath been invoked the name of any other than Allah." [Al Quran:5:3] This means that Muslims cannot eat any portion of a pig and also means that Muslims should not eat any meat that is not Halal. Meat becomes Halal when the butcher cuts the animals throat at the jugular vein and states "Allah is the greatest." The purpose of cutting the animals throat at the jugular vein is in order for the kill to be instant and for the animal to feel no pain. This must be done with a sharp blade to make it less painful. The animal cannot be slaughtered in front of other animals because it would cause more stress upon the animal before death. If an animal witnesses another animal being slaughtered, it is as if they are killing it twice.

Scenario of Halal eating observance: 

There is an office party with food and drinks. Your co-worker offers you a pepperoni pizza. A Muslim would respond "Thank you, however I can't eat pork. It's against my religion but thanks for the offer."


In this example, I will go over a scenario involving hobbies. Your co-worker comes up to you and asks "Hey, me and a couple of other guys are going to go hunting this weekend, would you like to come?" You would respond "Sorry, I can't go with you. Hunting for game isn't permissible in my religion."

Hunting and killing animals for game in Islam is off limits. The only time hunting is allowed is when you are hunting the animal for food. In Islam, animals have rights over humans that must be observed. Animals are very valuable and are treated with respect in Islam. There is no point of killing the animal for fun.

The noblest part of the human body

The head is considered to be the noblest part of the body in Islam. Therefore, islam encouages both men and women to humble themselves with modesty by keeping the top of their head covered. It should be uncovered during sleep. Several opinions in the scholarly community consider this to be not necessary while others believe it to be essential.

Scenario about head covering

A worker asked their Muslim  coworker, "Why are you always wearing that hat?" The Muslim would reply " Thanks for asking, it is actually for religious purposes. We are supposed to cover the top of our heads to show humbleness towards god."



Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. During this month, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. The point of fasting is for self discipline. Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and using explicit words. This is done by healthy Muslims; Elders, people who are sick, and children who haven't reached puberty aren't supposed to fast. During this month, it is also important to donate money to the less fortunate. After sunset, prayer is held at the Mosque. After the last prayer of the night, there is an additional prayer done throughout Ramadan. During this prayer, the Quran is read in its entirety. This meaning that by the end of the month, the entire Quran would be completely read over the month.

Scenario about Ramadan

In this scenario, a coworker asks if the Muslim would like to go out to lunch. "Hey, I'm going out to get some food, Do you want to come with me?" They would respond "Sorry I can't, I'm fasting for Ramadan and I can't eat right now."