Was an item saved in all caps? Need to switch it to Title Case?
Right click the field you need to change and select Transform Text to easily make the swap
If you're regularly using more than one computer in your research, Zotero's sync feature can keep your library up to date on all of them. Zotero can store a copy of your library on the Zotero.org server and check it for updates whenever you open your library on a different computer. All your computers must be running the same version of Zotero.
1) Set up a (free, of course) Zotero.org user account.
2) Edit ---> Preferences, and select the "Sync" tab. Enter your Zotero user name and password. Check the "sync automatically" box. Check both boxes under File Syncing and choose Zotero storage for My Library. This will sync your PDF attachments as well as citations.
3) Click the green circular arrow button at the top right corner of the Zotero window. Zotero will upload your library to the server and sync across all your computers. If you have a huge library this may take up to several minutes.
Zotero's Groups feature allows you to share references with other Zotero users online. It's a great way to work on collaborative research projects.
First, set up Zotero sync and synchronize your library.
You now have two sections in your Zotero collections pane: My Library and Group Libraries.
Personal and group libraries are entirely separate, and changes made to items in one library do not affect the other. You can drag items back and forth libraries to copy items.
Search for existing public groups or create a new group. Groups may be public (searchable, and anyone can join) or private (users can only join if invited).