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The AI Syllabus

This guide is designed to provide access to the concepts and resources comprising the AI Syllabus by Anne Kingsley and Emily Moss.

Ethics and Social Justice

Critical Inquiry: 

What are the ethical considerations of AI?

Who is participating or shaping the conversations around these ethics?


Ethics and Social Justice



Montreal Brief  (2021). 

  • This website hosts AI Ethics Brief and other open access resources to create more knowledge and community around AI. #Practical


Radical AI Podcast. (2020-2023). 

  • Hosted by two Ph.D candidates and digital scholars, this podcast features interviews and discussions with those working at the intersection of technology and social and racial justice. Relevant episodes appear in other sections of this syllabus. Concluded in August 2023. #Practical #Philosophical


Arista, N., et. al. (2021). Against reduction: Designing a human future with machines. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. 

book cover

  • This open access book is a collection of essays that consider what it means to embrace the irreducibility of the relationship between human and machine. Includes “Making Kin with Machines” (see below) by Jason Edward Lewis, et. al. #Philosophical






Haraway, D. (2016).  Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century. University of Minnesota Press. 

  • This long form essay (66 pages) explores the blurring boundaries between human and machine to subvert traditional boundaries of identity, gender, and nature. #Philosophical


Indigenous AI. Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence Working Group. (2019). 

  • Considers how to use indigenous epistemologies and perspectives to approach AI includes Indigenous AI Resources reading list. Workgroup organizers include Jason Edward Lewis. #Practical #Philosophical


Lewis, J.E., et. al. “Making Kin with Machines”. 

  • This open access book chapter draws on indigenous epistemologies to suggest a “circle of relationships” that are human and robotic. #Philosophical


Doyle-Burke, D. and Smith, J.J. (Hosts). (2021, September 12). Indigenous AI 101 [Audio podcast episode]. In The Radical AI Podcast.

  • In this episode...


Mogensen, J.F. (2023, February). “Vanderbilt Staff used AI to Email Students About the Michigan State Shooting”. Mother Jones.

  • This short article describes an AI email incident at Vanderbilt including student reaction to AI generated message centered on the tragedy. #Philosophical #Practical


West, J. (2023, April). “The GOP’s AI Generated Biden Attack Ad is Really a Warning About the Future”. Mother Jones.

  • This short article breaks down the characteristics of a recent political campaign ad generated by AI and evidences the need for a new kind of media literacy including the ability to read critically AI generated content.  #Practical


Hsu, T. (2023, August 7). What can you do when AI lies about you? The New York Times. 

  • This article explores several instances where artificial intelligence mischaracterized or slandered people and also discusses how there is currently little legal precedent for AI operations. #Practical