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The AI Syllabus

This guide is designed to provide access to the concepts and resources comprising the AI Syllabus by Anne Kingsley and Emily Moss.

Healthcare and Medicine

Critical Inquiry: 

How is artificial intelligence currently being used in medicine and how might it be used in the future?

What are the potential benefits and consequences of using AI in healthcare provision?

What is public perception around this use?


Healthcare and Medicine


NEJM AI Grand Rounds [Audio podcast]. (2023).

  • Provided by the New England Journal of Medicine, this podcast contains eight episodes that explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare. #Practical #Philosophical


Majovsky, M., et al. (2023). Artificial intelligence can generate fraudulent but authentic-looking scientific medical articles: Pandora’s box has been opened. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25(46924).  

  • An open access journal article that looks at how the authors used ChatGPT to generate a scientific article related to the field of neurosurgery. #Practical


How Americans view use of AI in healthcare. (2023, February 22). Pew Research Center. 

  • This report explores public perception on the relationship between artificial intelligence and healthcare. #Practical


Lohr, S. AI may someday work medical miracles. For now, it helps do paperwork. (2023, June 26). The New York Times.  

  • This article makes a distinction between algorithmic AI and generative AI as applied to medical care and suggests the latter technology (including ChatGPT) could reduce administrative workload and relieve burnout for healthcare providers. #Practical


Satariano, A., and Metz, C. (2023, March 6). Using AI to detect breast cancer that doctors miss. The New York Times. 

  • This article explores research out of Hungary which is applying AI to the field of radiology and diagnostic medicine. #Practical 


NBC News. (2023, February 4). High tech hospital uses artificial intelligence in patient care [Video]. Youtube. 

  • A 2 min video news story about how the University of Florida Health Center is using AI to monitor patients. #Practical


Broussard, M. (2023, March 15). An AI told me I had cancer. Wired. 

  • In this personal narrative condensed from her 2023 book, Broussard talks about applying her professional interests in technology, AI, and algorithmic bias to her personal experience as a cancer patient and how she ran her own scans through an open source diagnostic AI to see if it could accurately diagnose her cancer.