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The AI Syllabus

This guide is designed to provide access to the concepts and resources comprising the AI Syllabus by Anne Kingsley and Emily Moss.

Creating and Knowing

Critical Inquiry: 

How does artificial intelligence contribute to our processes of creation and knowledge construction across disciplines?

Does the use of AI in the act of creation complicate the idea of artistic genius?


Creating and Knowing 


Making the invisible visible: K Allado-McDowell, Derrick Skye, and Refik Anadol in conversation. (2022, October 25). Bomb Magazine. 

  • This article features three artists discussing the creation of an opera using artificial intelligence. #Practical


Goodwin, C. AI storytelling: On Ross G’s 1 the Road by Connor Goodwin. (2018, December 14). Bomb Magazine. 

  • This article discusses how a data scientist used a GPS unit, a microphone, clock, and camera rigged to the rooftop of a car all of which fed information into a portable AI writing machine to generate a road novel. #Practical


Kee, J. and Kuo, M. Deep learning: AI, art history, and the museum. (2023, June 15). MoMa. 

  • In this article, Museum of Modern Art curator Kuo and art historian Kee discuss Refik Anadol’s exhibition, Unsupervised (on display at MoMa through Oct. 29, 2023), an installation that was created using AI. #Practical #Philosophical


Michigan Institute for Data Science. (2023, May 3). MIDAS data and AI in society forum series: Generative AI, composition, and creativity [Video]. Youtube.

  • In this 66 min panel discussion, a group of experts examine the complex issues that artists and musicians face when using AI to compose music and create art, how AI tools work, and the opportunities and challenges they pose for music and composition. #Practical #Philosophical


Eveleth, R. (2023, May 15). The fanfic sex trope that caught a plundering AI red-handed. Wired. 

  • This article details how fanfiction writers learned that GPT3 pulled from a popular fanfiction site and was used to train an AI writing assistant when that AI showed “knowledge” and “understanding” of community-created fanfiction tropes. #Practical #Philosophical


Lin, M. (2018, May 2). How to write personalities for the AI around us. The Paris Review. 

  • In this article, Lin argues that in order to live in relationship to AI, we must not think of our interactions with AI as strictly transactional but revel in the absurd, pleasurable, and/or transcendent interactions as well. #Philosophical


How we can bring AI personalities to life. (2019, July). TED. 

  • A 15 min TED talk from Mariana Lin, the principal writer for Siri. #Practical #Philosophical


Heti, S. (2022, November 14). Hello world! Part one: Eliza. The Paris Review. 

  • A published exchange with conversational AI, Eliza. #Practical


Frost, N. (2018, February 1). Has artificial intelligence cracked the Voynich manuscript’s mysterious code? Atlas Obscura. 

  • This article describes researchers, historians, and scientists’ use of AI to examine the Voynich Manuscript, a 15th century document written in indecipherable code. Additional research on the topic published in the journal of Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguisitics. #Practical #Philosophical


Traverso, V. (2017, December 15). Found: An eighth planet orbiting a far flung star. Atlas Obscura. 

  • This article shows how deep learning and data mining through AI helped scientists discover Kepler-90i. #Practical


Hester, J. L. (2017, December 12). Robots are here to write poetry. Atlas Obscura. 


Henrickson, L. (2017, August 29). Behold the amazing poetry generating machine. Slate. 

  • This article examines the longer history of machine generated verse/machine poetry. #Practical


Schumann, G. (2023, June 10). What Happens When A.I. Enters the Concert Hall. The New York Times.

  • The article considers the relationship between A.I. and music composition. #Philosophical


Gage, J. (2021, December 7). ‘He Touched a Nerve’. How the first piece of A.I. music was born in 1956. The Guardian.

  • This article describes the introduction of AI to music. #Practical


Goodyear, J. (2021, October 13). How an AI finished Beethoven’s Last Symphony and What that means for the Future of Music. BBC Science Focus.

  • This article explores the possibilities of what AI can do in terms of creation. #Practical #Philosophical